الدرس السادس عشر
Present Continuous
the present continous describes things that are happening now, at the moment or future plans and arrangements
Common present continuous time expressions include
at the moment, now, today, this week, this month, tomorrow, next week (for future arrangements ), currently
verb to be ( in simple present) + verb + ing
Short and full Forms
I'm (I am) -> working today.
You're (You are) -> working today.
He's (He is) -> working today.
She's (She is) -> working today.
It's (It is) -> working today.
We're (We are) -> working today.
You're (You are) -> working today.
They're (They are) -> working today
I'm not (I am not) -> coming this evening.
You aren't (You are not) -> coming this evening.
He isn't (He is not) -> coming this evening.
She isn't (She is not) -> coming this evening.
It isn't (It is not) -> coming this evening.
We aren't (We are not) -> coming this evening.
You aren't (You are not) -> coming this evening.
They aren't (They are not) -> coming this evening
Present Continuous
the present continous describes things that are happening now, at the moment or future plans and arrangements
Common present continuous time expressions include
at the moment, now, today, this week, this month, tomorrow, next week (for future arrangements ), currently
verb to be ( in simple present) + verb + ing
- I am speaking.
- You are speaking.
- We are speaking.
- They are speaking.
- He is speaking.
- She is speaking.
- It is speaking.
- I am not speaking.
- You are not speaking.
- We are not speaking.
- They are not speaking.
- He is not speaking.
- She is not speaking.
- It is not speaking.
- Am I speaking
- Are you speaking
- Are we speaking
- Are they speaking
- Is he speaking
- Is she speaking
- Is it speaking
Short and full Forms
I'm (I am) -> working today.
You're (You are) -> working today.
He's (He is) -> working today.
She's (She is) -> working today.
It's (It is) -> working today.
We're (We are) -> working today.
You're (You are) -> working today.
They're (They are) -> working today
I'm not (I am not) -> coming this evening.
You aren't (You are not) -> coming this evening.
He isn't (He is not) -> coming this evening.
She isn't (She is not) -> coming this evening.
It isn't (It is not) -> coming this evening.
We aren't (We are not) -> coming this evening.
You aren't (You are not) -> coming this evening.
They aren't (They are not) -> coming this evening