الدرس الخامس عشر

الدرس الخامس عشر

Have got / has got

Have you got black socks
No, I haven’t.

2/ Has Samir got blue eyes?
Yes, he has.

3/ Has Karima got a white skirt?
No, she hasn’t.

4/ Have they got green eyes?
No, they haven’t.

5/ Has your cat got small ears?
Yes, it has.

6/ Have you got got long feet?
No, I haven’t.

7/ Has Rachid got white pants?
Yes, he has.

8/ Has Mounir got a beard?
No, he hasn’t.

9/ Has your sister got a long hair?
Yes, she has.

10/ Have you got a brown jacket?
Yes, I have.
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- I have got a blue shirt and a pair of green jeans.

- I haven’t got blue eyes.

- He has got a curly hair.

- He hasn’t got a black jacket.

- She has got a red dress.

- She hasn’t got black shoes

- We have got green trousers.

- We haven’t got small noses.
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Affirmative sentences

I / you / we / they + have got ……….

He / she / it + has got………..

Negative sentences

I / you / we / they + haven’t got (have not got)……….

He / she / it + hasn’t got ( has not got)………..

Yes / no questions

Have + I /you / we / they + got………?

Has + he / she / it + got……………....?

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I have got a pen = I've got a pen
You have got a pen = You've got a pen
She has got a pen = She's got a pen
He has got a pen = He's got a pen
It has got a pen = It's got a pen


I have not got a pen = I haven't got a pen
You have not got a pen = You haven't got a pen
She has not got a pen = She hasn't got a pen
He has not got a pen = He hasn't got a pen
It has not got a pen = It hasn't got a pen


Have I got a pen?
Have you got a pen?
Has he got a pen?
Has she got a pen?
Has it got a pen?



We have got a pen = We've got a pen
You have got a pen = You've got a pen
They have got a pen = They've got a pen


We have not got a pen = We haven't got a pen
You have not got a pen = You haven't got a pen
They have not got a pen = They haven't got a pen


Have we got a pen?
Have you got a pen?
Have they got a pen?

One / ones

-Hisham has got blue pants but he hasn’t got green ones.

-Layla hasn’t got white skirt but she’s got a blue

-I have got a black tie. I haven’t got a red one.

-Samir has got a brown jacket. He hasn’t got a black one.

-Amine hasn’t got white trainers. He has got grey ones

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